Kansas City

Let's Cheer for Advanced Digital Signage in Stadiums

Let's Cheer for Advanced Digital Signage in Stadiums

The stadium experience has undergone a remarkable transformation over the years, particularly in the heart of Kansas City, OK, where sports and entertainment venues are central to the community. 

This evolution is most evident in the shift from traditional scoreboards and Jumbotrons to the sophisticated digital signage solutions and advanced displays we see today. 

This blog explores this journey, highlighting the impact on fan engagement and the pivotal role of technology integrators like Advanced Sound & Communication in this dynamic landscape—so keep reading!

What AV Systems Do the Best Hotels Have?

What AV Systems Do the Best Hotels Have?

Every detail matters to create an unforgettable experience for your hotel guests in Kansas City, MO. From the moment they step foot into your lobby, you want to captivate them and leave a lasting impression. 

One often overlooked aspect of this experience is the audiovisual (AV) system. The atmosphere you create through AV can make or break the experience for guests. After all, when they first walk into the lobby, will they only hear awkward silence? Will the TVs in the bar appear outdated? Did the sound cut out and crackle in the lounge? 

These first impressions mean everything. In fact, research conducted by Princeton psychologists has shown that it only takes a tenth of a second for people to generate an impression. That's why understanding and harnessing the power of hotel AV systems is crucial. What do the best hotels use? Let’s discuss. 

Structured Cabling is the Backbone of Communication

Structured Cabling is the Backbone of Communication

In the heart of America, Kansas City, MO, businesses are thriving, and robust communication is at the core of their success. Advanced infrastructure keeps that communication going. 

If you've ever wondered what keeps the data flowing smoothly in our bustling city, the answer is structured cabling. But what exactly is it, and why is it so crucial for businesses nationwide? Find out below.