2023, The Year For Baby Steps.

We ended December with a very different reality than expected in January. Economists and manufacturers give us some certainty for 2023. It will be slightly better than in 2022 and exponentially better than in 2020 when little Milo was born. We have already seen an improvement in order fulfillment over December 2021. As with all things in our personal and professional lives, we must remain aware of the situation, plan accordingly, and live in grace when ETAs come and go multiple times throughout the year. It is what it is for the foreseeable future. New manufacturer price lists for 2023 reflect higher dealer costs, discontinuation, replacements with new components, and slow deliveries.

The tech industry is being forced to make changes. Changes in manufacturing locations, facilities, staffing, components, firmware, and shipping will take time to implement and perfect. As with all things tech-based and man-made, there will be issues. What is essential is how problems are addressed and how quickly the manufacturers and the service providers solve them.

Advanced Sound & Communication sells only the best and most reputable brands, favoring those based and manufacturing in the USA. You can start 2023 with an experienced, respected, talented team helping you navigate the uncertainty of your audio, video, lighting, security, and control system replacement, training, and service needs. Our manufacturers have local representation and service departments with factory-trained technicians. When you have a problem, we will address it and resolve it as soon as possible. When the name of our company, Advanced Sound & Communication, was chosen, “sound” represented all things related to sound systems, and “communication” described phone and video conferencing. There was a time when companies like ours were very specialized and only did one thing. Technology, users, and expectations have changed. We aren’t limited to any one thing. We provide all things related to audio, video, lighting, security, and control systems. If you have a need, any need at all, small or monstrous, contact us. You don’t even have to ask, “Do you do X?”. The answer is probably, “Yes!” Milo is now three. He won’t answer the phone or reply to emails. But he will show you his cars, trucks, trains, and his new little sister on Messenger. He loves Messenger.